For Providers

Remember to complete Clear for Work assessment, self-monitor COVID-19 symptoms

As COVID-19 cases in the area continue to rise, it is important that team members remain vigilant in self-monitoring symptoms. All team members are required to complete the Clear for Work daily health assessment before entering a Beaumont facility.

Regardless of vaccination status, those experiencing one or more of the following symptoms should not report to work:

  • Fever greater than 100F
  • NEW flu-like symptoms like body aches
  • NEW abnormal cough
  • NEW shortness of breath
  • NEW diarrhea
  • NEW loss of taste or smell (in addition to the above)

Employees should immediately contact Employee Health Services at 947-522-3466, option 2, to report the absence. EHS will advise the employee of next steps, including the possibility of testing. Employees who do not complete their test within 24 hours will be required to use PTO for any remaining time away from work.


As announced last week, masks are recommended in all public areas and are still mandatory in all clinical areas and common areas, such as elevators, lobbies, cafeterias and waiting rooms.

Additionally, in-person meetings must now be adjusted to 50% of the room capacity and virtual interviews are encouraged. At this time, visitation restrictions are unchanged.

Returning to work

If you have been off work for a personal medical condition, including COVID-19, beyond five scheduled workdays or 40 hours, you must be cleared by Employee Health & Safety to return to work.

Obtain a note signed by your personal physician who treated you that includes all required information, then contact Employee Health Services at 947-522-3466, option 2.

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