Physician Reappointments
Thank you for being a member of the Corewell Health Medical Staff! Credentialing has moved to an automated reappointment application process.
Reappointments can go to your preferred email
address. However, if we do not have a preferred email address that is a personal
email, the reappointments will be launched to your Corewell Health
email address.
When reappointments are launched, you will receive the email from
All providers use the same link to the Hub:
You will receive instructions in the email with your user
login information and instructions if you are logging on for the first time.
This login and password will be used for the next reappointment.
For added security, user login multi-factor authentication is
required through an entry code received via email or text message. If you are not certain that we have your current cell phone in our
database, you should choose "Email Me" instead of "Text Me" when prompted.