For Providers

The 2024 Well-being Index

Physicians, APPs, residents and fellows:

Take the Well-being Index now via this link or use this QR code:




The 2024 Well-being Index is a validated tool with 10-12 questions depending on your role that are designed specifically for physicians, APPs, residents and fellows.

The index anonymously assesses your well-being with immediate results and provides you with valuable resources tailored just for you based on your responses. Confidential data will also be shared with Corewell Health leaders to positively impact systemwide processes and programming as we work to elevate and expand our well-being offerings to best meet your needs.

Outside of the assessment window, which ends Friday, Sept. 27, we encourage you to check in with the index regularly to track your well-being over time for evidence of improvement or as a reminder to check in with resources that may help you during more challenging periods. You can also compare your anonymous results with your peers within the organization and across the country.

If you have any questions, you can refer to this FAQ document, instructional videos, or reach out to Kristin Jacob, M.D., Peggy Nowak, M.D., or Grant Heller, Ph.D. For more information about Corewell Health’s physician and APP well-being program and resources, click here.

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