For Providers

Honoring physicians who will stand the test of time

Recognizing Dr. Ken Peters and Dr. Leslie Rocher

We are proud to share news of a recent celebration, honoring two of our esteemed colleagues. On behalf of the Medical Staff, the Beaumont, Royal Oak President’s Council convened to recognize Drs. Ken Peters and Les Rocher. Even though current circumstances precluded a larger celebration, the event was joyous and inspiring.

As we have previously reported, these two outstanding Beaumont physicians were selected for this recognition because of the high regard with which they are held by our staff. Dr. Peters has chaired the Department of Urology for years and has gained international recognition for his innovative research in interstitial cystitis and neuromodulation. Dr. Rocher served in many leadership positions at Beaumont, culminating in his long tenure as Beaumont, Royal Oak Chief Medical Officer. Both inspired us with their many accomplishments, all of which advanced Beaumont’s academic and compassionate, extraordinary care missions.

To mark the occasion, our council commissioned video tributes for each award recipient, which we are delighted to share with you. Please enjoy viewing these tributes and share in the pride we feel in our colleagues. We hope that you also reflect on your own extraordinary accomplishments and on the ideals that inspire you to do this noble work in service to your patients.

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