For Providers

May 28 - COVID-19 Daily Update

Eye protection guidance update, 5 Common Myths About COVID-19 Vaccines and Children, We wish you a happy upcoming Memorial Day

Eye protection guidance update

Due to declining rates of COVID-19 at Beaumont Health and in our community, Beaumont will no longer require eye protection for all patient encounters effective Tuesday, June 1.

Eye protection will still be required for all confirmed and suspected COVID-19 patient encounters, and for all aerosol-generating procedures as defined in the policy, which will be updated in PolicyStat Tuesday, June 1.

Eye protection will always be available as part of universal/standard precautions when there is a chance of exposure to body fluids. Thank you for your continued diligence in the fight against COVID-19.


5 Common Myths About COVID-19 Vaccines and Children

While the recent approval of the first COVID-19 vaccine for children 12 to 15 years has many parents and public health experts excited about further protecting children from the virus, many other parents are hesitant. We asked Dr. Bishara J. Freij, Chief of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Beaumont Children’s, to address some of the most common myths about the COVID-19 vaccines and children.
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We wish you a happy upcoming Memorial Day

In observance of Memorial Day, there will not be a Daily Update on Monday, May 31. Beaumont Health wishes you and your family a safe and happy holiday, and thank you for continuing to provide compassionate, extraordinary care every day.

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