For Providers

April 26 - COVID-19 Daily Update

Beaumont adds three additional walk-in vaccine clinics: April 28, 29, 30, Michigan’s COVID-19 wards are filling up with younger patients, Watch your email for free food info, Beaumont Health Quality Academy open to all, Check out new anesthesia bios

From the Beaumont Newsroom

Beaumont adds three additional walk-in vaccine clinics: April 28, 29, 30

After vaccinating approximately 450 people in just two hours during our first vaccine walk-in clinic, Beaumont Health will now offer three additional walk-in clinics to make it easier for people to get vaccinated. Beaumont has provided about 300,000 vaccinations to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone age 16 and up is invited to get vaccinated at the Beaumont Service Center during the scheduled walk-in clinics.

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Beaumont in the news

Michigan’s COVID-19 wards are filling up with younger patients, New York Times

“At Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, in one of America’s worst coronavirus hot spots, entire units are still filled with Covid-19 patients. People weak with the virus still struggle to sit up in bed. And the phone still rings with pleas to transfer patients on the verge of death to units with higher-tech equipment.

But unlike previous surges, it now is younger and middle-aged adults — not their parents and grandparents — who are taking up many of Michigan’s hospital beds.”

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Watch your email for free food info

Free meals continue this week at all campuses. Food selections include Chicken Shack, Famous Dave's, Panera Bread, Eastern Market and Encore Catering.

Watch your Beaumont email for details on when and how food will be distributed at your acute care campus.

Beaumont Health Quality Academy open to all

If you’re interested in improving quality, safety and outcomes in your work area, listen up. The Beaumont Health Quality Academy is free and open to any Beaumont team member who wants to make health care better.

The Quality Academy was born from the drive to have a consistent model around quality improvement. Dr. Sam Flanders, senior vice president and chief quality officer for Beaumont Health, and his team lead the one-day sessions every other month. The next academy meets in June.

“We like our sessions to include people from all areas of the organization — administrative and clinical — because every department has a need for quality improvement,” explained Dr. Flanders. “The academy includes didactics and workshops over Zoom. In the COVID world, we do break-out sessions, come back together and work it out. It’s one full day including a pre-test and post-test. Then, they go out and use what they learned.”

Session topics cover 20 total principles including behaviors, methods and principles for using data.

“Our goal is to teach everyone to do improvement themselves, so problems can be surfaced and solved. We want to be the best at getting better. We want to be the place you can surface and solve those problems. If you teach people to work this way, you can extend your process improvement capabilities everywhere,” said Dr. Flanders.

Since the Quality Academy started five years ago, thousands of Beaumont team members and medical students have taken advantage of learning how to improve their work areas.

We’re modeling this after high-reliability organizations,” said Dr. Flanders. “We know human error is inevitable. But if we can perfect the processes we use, that chance of error is reduced significantly, so we want to get as close to perfection as possible. The Quality Academy offers awareness to our team members so they can feel comfortable taking the lead on process improvement for themselves.”

For more information on the Quality Academy, visit HealthStream and search for Quality Academy. For questions, email


Check out new anesthesia bios

Curious about the North Star anesthesia team at Beaumont? Be sure to check out the new bios introducing the physicians and CRNAs who play a critical role in caring for our surgical patients.

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