For Providers

Annual Education step-by-step

Annual education launched on Feb. 3. Below, you will find a step-by-step guide to get you ready for the training. By completing the set up now, you will eliminate any obstacles that may stand in your way of effectively finishing the require training by the June 12 deadline. 

  • Step 1: Check your Beaumont email and “preferred email” for Annual Education information. Both will be used to ensure you receive the information timely.
  • Step 2: Establish your HealthStream login ID, which is either:
  • Step 3: Login to HealthStream. If you do not remember how, click here.
  • Step 4: Verify your password. If you don’t remember it or need to reset, visit or call the Service Desk at 888-481-2448.
Thank you for making the completion of your annual education responsibilities a priority.
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