For Providers

Who and how to refer to the Beaumont Weight Control Center

To aid in highlighting the Beaumont Weight Control Centers, Dr. Wendy Miller starred in a video to help physicians learn more about the centers and how to refer to them. This new video series, directed at physicians, describes what services are available at Beaumont and how they can be best utilized by our patients.

To aid in highlighting the Beaumont Weight Control Centers, Dr. Wendy Miller starred in a video to help physicians learn more about the centers and how to refer to them. 

This useful information can be found in the first episode of Beaumont’s “How to Refer” video series. This new series, directed at physicians, describes what services are available at Beaumont and how they can be best utilized by our patients. Beaumont is a large health system and can be difficult to navigate at times. These videos will help you understand who and how to refer.

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