For Providers

Marketing is promoting Primary Care services in Aug and Sept

Throughout 2019, Beaumont Marketing is supporting activity for Primary Care services with "heavy-up" periods in August and September. The dedicated support is intended to grow the Beaumont Network by bringing new patients into the system and growing our referral base. Primary is defined as internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics and OB-GYN. The campaign is targeting those actively looking for a new PCP.

Beaumont’s primary care physicians are the front door to some of the most advanced medicine in the world. They provide the services that often introduce patients to the Beaumont system. This integrated campaign will generate referrals to Beaumont primary care physicians using:

  • pay-per-click advertising (Google ads)
  • digital display advertising
  • social media ads and content
  • emails and postcards to potential new patients and lapsed patients
  • media coverage

During this time, you may see an influx of new patients coming to your office.

For more information, please review the marketing campaign flyer.

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