For Providers

Physician Profile: Dr. Joslin-Page

A true member of the family

Judith Anne Joslin-Page, D.O. is retiring at the end of this year after a long, dedicated career of not only providing care for her patients but inviting them into the decision-making process and encouraging them to be a member of the team.

Dr. Joslin-Page has been with Beaumont, Farmington Hills throughout her entire career. She began as a medical student with Botsford Hospital in 1988, completed her residency shortly after and joined the medical staff as an attending physician. She became chair of Obstetrics & Gynecology in 2009.

 “I pride myself in really partnering with patients,” Dr. Joslin-Page said. “I also pride myself in introducing young women to gynecology and empowering them to take care of themselves.”

Every day in the office, Dr. Joslin-Page is focused on building lasting relationships with her patients. She is able to connect on a deep level with many of the women, because she understands first-hand what it is like to be in their shoes. Early in Dr. Joslin-Page’s career, she had a high-risk pregnancy, and her baby was admitted to the ICU at Beaumont, Royal Oak. Her daughter Chloe pulled through and is now a first-year medical student at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Joslin-Page’s alma mater.

Growing up, Dr. Joslin-Page’s father battled Crohn’s disease. She watched as her father navigate a difficult diagnosis and what a powerful impact a physician can have on a patient.

“As a child, I knew I wanted to be a physician,” Dr. Joslin-Page said.

While in high school, Dr. Joslin-Page was at a banquet dinner at her church, and someone began to choke. Without hesitation, Dr. Joslin-Page rushed to help. She saved a life that day, and it further cemented her desire to become a physician.

During her three decades of care, Dr. Joslin-Page has seen remarkable changes. She described research capabilities and the amount of knowledge physicians have now in comparison to what they had when she was just beginning her career.

“Now, we can really understand why diseases happen,” Dr. Joslin-Page said.

But not all changes have been for the better, according to Dr. Joslin-Page. She believes that with the increasing use of electronic communication, some doctors have lost their ability to communicate effectively with patients, leaving them to feel more like a statistic rather than an individual.

“Humans are social beings. We are herd animals, and we need to be in groups,” Dr. Joslin-Page said. “Basement dwellers do not solve problems.”

This is part of the reason Dr. Joslin-Page places an emphasis on connecting with her patients on a deeper level than most. Many of her patients have been going to her for care throughout their entire adult lives. She has been with her patients during every milestone in a woman’s life.

While not in the office, Dr. Joslin-Page is an artist. She loves sewing and painting. In 2017, she worked every single business day while wearing at least one article of clothing that she made herself, and she donates many of her creations to charity, including some to the Autumn Gala hosted by the Beaumont, Farmington Hills Medical Staff.

She also loves to cook. In fact, she believes that if she had not gone to medical school, she “probably would have been a restaurateur in fine dining.”

Dr. Joslin-Page is a board-certified physician, practicing at Essential Gynecology & Obstetrics in Novi. She loves spending time with her husband of nearly 30 years, David, and her two children, Trevor and Chloe. We are proud to have had such a thoughtful, caring physician on staff for so many years, and we wish her nothing but the very best in her retirement.

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