For Providers

Dr. Arshad: The microscopic patient

The microscopic patient

Most body cells replace themselves within days, if not months. When specimens “get sent to the lab,” it’s the pathology team there that moves into action. The primary role of the pathologist, as the leader of this team, is to perform or supervise tests on blood, body fluids and tissue samples taken during surgery or as a part of a medical examination to make a definitive diagnosis.

That’s where the leadership of Muhammad Jawwad Arshad, M.D. begins. He came to Beaumont Hospital, Wayne almost a year ago and works at Dearborn’s laboratory as well. He is board certified in three areas, including hematopathology, anatomic and clinical pathology.

 “I love to seek answers for difficult scenarios,” Dr. Arshad said.

This means a lot of behind-the-scenes work. The pathology team, including medical and laboratory technicians, pathologist assistants and transcriptionists are essential to help a pathologist make an accurate diagnosis for each patient, every time. It is the collective motivation and passion of the laboratory staff to help each patient with every test, knowing there may be an anxious patient on the other end.

Dr. Arshad, who attended Wayne State University and held fellowships with the Wayne State University Detroit Medical Center and Roswell Park Cancer Institute, credits Neelam Kumar, M.D. as his mentor. She guided him through the much larger Beaumont Health System with processes and administrative policies that can be tough to navigate.

“The entire pathology team at Beaumont, Wayne is dedicated to providing excellent care and service to the patients and clinicians and will keep doing so in years to come,” Dr. Arshad said.

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