For Providers

EPIC rolling out Single Instance Phase II

Beginning this month and going through October of next year, Single Instance Phase II will be rolling out in three different waves. The objective of the single instance project is to standardize views, content and workflows across all sites and to establish a Beaumont Health model using Epic/oneChart. There have been two important safety-related changes made for inpatient providers at Beaumont, Dearborn, Taylor, Trenton and Wayne:

  • Only one patient chart will be able to be open at one time in Epic (to reduce wrong patient error regarding documentation and ordering).
  • Your pended/incomplete notes will be visible to other Epic users prior to being signed (to decrease clinical information not being available during transitions of care).

We are providing you with information regarding the overall Single Instance Phase II changes. We encourage you to review the materials to see how they may impact you and your practice.

For OB Stork providers, please review this helpful OB Stork PDF.

For IP providers in Dearborn, Taylor, Trenton and Wayne, please review this power point presentation.

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