For Providers

Beaumont physicians leading national efforts to improve care

We’re proud of the many Beaumont physicians who are leading efforts at the local and national level to improve health care for our communities. This clearly demonstrates the caliber of our physicians and physician leaders, when they are called upon by their colleagues to influence change.

An example of this leadership is James D. Grant, M.D., MBA, chair of the department of Anesthesiology at Beaumont, Royal Oak. Last fall, Dr. Grant was named the 100th president of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the nation’s largest organization of anesthesiologists with more than 50,000 members. He is the first Beaumont physician to lead a professional society of this magnitude and only the second ASA president from Michigan.

At the halfway point of his one-year term, Dr. Grant has had the opportunity to shape the agenda for the society, which is focused on driving health systems forward and ensuring high quality, low cost and safe medical care, while delivering exceptional patient experiences. One of Dr. Grant’s pillars for the year was developing physicians as leaders for health care systems. Under his leadership, the ASA has entered into a joint collaboration between the ASA and American College of Health Care Executives. This program, the first of its kind with a physician organization, will offer joint programs to help further develop physicians into health care leaders and help them reach fellowship certification in the ACHE.

Dr. Grant’s year has been filled with two huge subjects, one being the opioid crisis and the drug shortage crisis. As the leader and spokesperson for the specialty, he has become one of the nation’s leading voices on both of those issues and been involved in many discussions at both the executive branch level with the White House, leaders at CMS, FDA and DEA and countless congressional communications and visits. He has also been interviewed and cited in multiple national publications including the U.S. News and World Report, Wall Street Journal and Politico in addition to many local media outlets. 

Dr. Grant’s leadership is just one example of how Beaumont physicians are leading the way on a national stage. Watch your physician communications and the new provider website for more profiles of our doctors who are being recognized for their talents. If you or your colleagues have accomplishments to share, please go to and tell us your good news, so we can spread the word.
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