For Providers

2025 Medical Staff Elections



Your participation in the election process is very important. During these challenging times in the health care industry, it is essential that we have the right people in leadership roles to make good, sound decisions on behalf of the medical staff and the health system.

Each eligible medical staff member can vote for candidates at his or her respective hospital. If you are on staff at more than one hospital, you will be able to vote for multiple elections. For security measures you will only be able to login and vote one time.

Please be sure to take a moment to review the biographies for each candidate before you place your votes.

Dearborn EENT Special Election
Polls are open until Friday, February 28 at noon. 



Election Help

On the Corewell Computer

If you are on a Corewell computer on the Corewell network, this is the simplest way to vote. 

Login from Corewell Computer

You must be on the the Spectrum-Health domain. If you are still on the BH domain, you will get an error. If you see this error, please call the Help Desk at 1-888-481-2448 to create a work order for Web Services CHE.

On Personal Network

You first have to log into BHAPPS and click on Physician Resources icon. Once you are on the page on The Well, click on the election link.

Login from office or home

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