For Providers

Physician Profile: Dr. Lovy

Jonathan Lovy portrait

Jonathan Lovy, D.O. has been at South Valley Internal Medicine for five years, but for the past 18 months, he and his team have been expanding the practice to keep up with their growth. In fact, they recently invested in a three-story clinic that will house multiple disciplines, his own practice and a space for training residents.

“It’s a culmination of everything I have been trying to achieve,” Dr. Lovy said. “It will be a patient-centered home for the Trenton community.”

Dr. Lovy attended Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine of Midwestern University. He completed an allopathic residency before coming back to osteopathy to use his experience in teaching and to build the residency program at Beaumont, Trenton where he is the Internal Medicine Residency program director. He joined Oakwood Southshore with his osteopathic group and was thrilled to see when Beaumont merged with the hospital in 2014.

His true passion has always been teaching. According to Dr. Lovy, “I want to make as much of a positive impact as I can, whether it is with patients or residents.” For him, the heart of his passion lies with assisting with the teaching and graduating doctors and trying to provide information in a way that is understandable and truly beneficial.

“It’s about helping and teaching as many people as possible,” Dr. Lovy said.

While in practice for two decades, he has seen some big changes in the medical field. Electronic medical records, he believes, allow doctors to spend more time with patients and align more with patient expectations. The EMR allows doctors to provide more services to patients than ever.

“If there’s a dilemma, we have resources to address those problems in the outpatient realm,” Dr. Lovy said.

When Dr. Lovy retires, his one goal is to look back and know he contributed something very positive to the entire community, which he believes will be the case with his team’s new community clinic.

While not in the office, Dr. Lovy enjoys running, playing piano and learning constantly. He loves spending time with his beloved wife Jennifer and his three children Noah, Evan and Jessica.

“They’re the base of my pyramid,” Dr. Lovy said.

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