For Providers


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a way of being happier, healthier and more in touch with your life. Mindfulness trains the mind and body to respond skillfully to whatever comes up.

What is Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction?

MBSR is a scientifically validated educational program that teaches meditation, yoga, mindful eating and communication. It has helped tens of thousands of people around the world.

Research shows that MBSR can teach people how to alleviate anxiety, depression, high blood press, stress at home and work, chronic pain and many other common, stress-related diseases and conditions.

The worldwide, gold-standard mindfulness training is conducted over eight weeks and offers 27 hours of CME credit.

MBSR for Beaumont physicians

The MBSR Physician Oncology Patient Pilot Study (MBSR-POPPS) studied MBSR classes attended by physicians, oncology patients and family members. The physicians experienced significant improvements in validated measures of stress, exhaustion, emotion exhaustion and personal accomplishment. They all highly recommended the course to their colleagues. They expressed a deepened appreciation for the humanity of themselves and others.

This research was presented at the American Conference on Physician Health in San Francisco in October 2017. It will be presented at the International Conference on Mindfulness in Amsterdam in July. A randomized, controlled trial, MBSR-POPS 2, has been funded.

Other mindfulness training for Beaumont physicians

Please contact us at for one-hour interactive sessions, multi-hour workshops and short course series. You may be able to join a prearranged training, or one may be arranged upon request, depending on teach availability.

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